Thursday, 1 July 2010

30 and still standing

Class Thirty of Thirty
(9.30am, 30th June, taught by Nicky)

I DID IT! 30 classes in 30 days. I was worried about the last class, I have had a couple of really good classes and I wanted to go out on a high note - and guess what, I did. There were a group of us in the front row all on our last class so the energy was up and the yoga flowed!

Got through all of the postures and was able to focus my attention in on my breathing and managed to keep in that zone for almost all of the class.

Followed the class with a class of advanced - more of a giggle really. Half of the series requires flexibility beyond mine (at the moment) and the other half I just can't work out which limb is going where!!! I enjoy advanced but more because of the good craic rather than my ability to do any of it!

I am going to take a couple of days off before going back into the pit. I will be doing the fun class down at Watermead Park. I also plan to write an epilogue to this blog... (does that make it an 'Epiblog'?) to look at what I have learnt over the past month. But for now I know it is short but I am off to lie down! (Not in savasana, just a simple lie down!!!)

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Kapalbhati in Vajrasana

Class Twenty-Nine of Thirty
(7.45pm, 29th June, taught by Harbinder)

OH WHAT A NIGHT! I think it is fair to say this was probably the best class of the thirty days! Thank you so much Harbinder and fellow Bikram-Bunnies!!! The energy was up, the room was hot and humid as it was the last class of the day (but there were a couple of very welcome door open moments), the dialogue had momentum but wasn't rushed and the yoga just flowed! I think the Posture Clinic must have started to sink in and the effects of very nearly thirty days in the pit have started to show themselves. Unlike yesterday where I overdid it in the first part of the series and felt like I was practicing in someone else's body today I was there in the room, I managed to pace myself, my breathing was pretty much under control, there was no drama between poses, just refocus or savasana, and I only needed to stand out of one set of Triangle (didn't want to over do it... honesty in my practice!). I am still on a high! I just hope that tomorrow's class is as good. The 9.30 class is my number 30 and then I am 'treating' myself to an hour and a half of Advanced!!!! I am looking forward to it but it will mean that the show is over... still as Alice said tonight as I was leaving... it doesn't mean I can't still come in most days! Having said that I am quite looking forward to a few days off to let me body chill for a while and I can spend a little time up the allotment!

So today is about Kapalbhati breathing. What can I say? This is always nice as it means that within a couple of minutes time I will be able to have a drink and a lie down! There are days when it can be more hard work than others. I think that my training in music as a kid helps - my diaphragm is still fairly toned! I know that I am getting it right when I get light headed and have an odd metallic taste in my mouth... though at first I was a little worried about this effect! The other thing that makes me laugh, and was pointed out at the Posture Clinic - all the other postures/exercises are about sucking the belly in, holding it, not letting it hang out... then there is this and the dialogue demands that the belly is relaxed... BLISS!

The last bit of Science:

'This exercise strengthens all of the abdominal organs and increases circulation. It also makes the abdominal wall strong and trims the waistline' (Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class, Bikram Choudhury)

Well off for some Savasana... Tomorrow will be about the class itself and a look back over the roller-coaster ride I have been on over the last 30 days.

Only 1 to go... so nearly there!!!

Monday, 28 June 2010


Class Twenty-Eight of Thirty
(7.15pm, 28th June, taught by Rachel)

Apparently football is a game of two halves... well so is Yoga! What a class tonight. The standing series was mad. It was like someone else (who knew what they were doing) was practicing in my body!! My stomach was sucked in, my breathing was slow and measured, my form was firm. I had one expression of Standing Bow Pulling Pose where I went deeper and stronger than I have ever done before... there is a bit in the dialogue that talks about who when you get deep into the posture you pull and kick so hard you can balance there forever and I had a glimpse of what was meant. There was a balance and equal and opposite forces pulling in opposite directions... it was lovely! In contrast the floor series started well and then I just spun-out. I got into the first expression of Locust and I think I had my arms/hands in the wrong place and I lost feeling in my hands and with that I just started to go into spasm in my hands, my breathing went and then it was show over and I had to retire to the door. However I got back in for the second expression of Camel. (I was given an amazing mantra at Posture Clinic about this posture... As you will know if you have read this blog I like backward bends... Camel is just a backward bend... All of a sudden it isn't scary... The mind is an amazing thing and you can convince yourself of anything... maybe in the next 30 day challenge I will be blogging about how much I love that posture!) Now I could get disheartened that the class had a glitch in the middle, but you know what, I am not going to! I am going to concentrate on just how wonderful the standing series felt and hope that I can plug back into that feeling again some time soon and have it last for longer!

So today is about Spine Twisting Pose. I like this one... mainly as it is the last one of the series and I know that I will be released from the pit soon! Occasionally I get a bit of pain in my elbows in this if I have over-strained in Camel, but on the whole I like the way this makes me feel and feeling each vertebra twisting. I have been told I need to concentrate on keeping my shoulders level, which apparently is down to where my knees are - don't you just love how Yoga is so interconnected and where your knees are affects your shoulder alignment! The other thing I need to make sure I do is to stretch up and lengthen my spine... if I slouch I can't twist right around to get my face in profile in the mirror.

OK some science...
  • This increases circulation and nutrition to the spinal nerves, veins and tissues
  • This improves spinal flexibility [no surprises there!!!]
  • Increases flexibility in the hips
  • Helps cure lumbago and spinal rheumatism
  • Improves digestion and removes flatulence
  • Firms the abs, thighs and bum!
OK Savasana time

Only two more to go...
(I am starting to worry I'm going to miss this!!!)

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Janushirasana with Paschimotthanasana

Class Twenty-Seven of Thirty
(10am, 27th June, taught by Nicky)

Felt very achey this morning as I made my way to the studio - that is what a double plus a posture clinic does for you! I decided that I would take it easy and concentrate on my breathing. I managed to get through all of the postures with the exception of one expression of Triangle... even managed a perfectly presentable pair of camels! It was interesting being taught by Nicky... I have been taught by her once before and it was lovely to see her again. It does go to show how much impact a teacher has on the energy, speed and feel of a class. (I especially liked the line in the dialogue that went 'You can have a drink now whenever you want providing it is not when people are in a posture...' this came just after the first water break and may have been directed at a couple of people in their first class, but it was nice to hear and I only had one drink - just before fixed firm pose.)

So today is about Head to Knee Pose with Stretching Pose. Now I have to admit that this is one of the postures that does not really get my fullest effort. It is at the end of the series and to be honest I often have already mentally got up off my mat and have left the room. Today in Posture Clinic we covered the floor series and the importance of this posture was driven home. I will certainly be making more effort in future. I have found this posture difficult as my foot often slips under the out-stretched leg. Because I have long legs it can be difficult but it does come at the end of the series so should be able to pull myself into it! Then there are the stretching postures... this can be just torture... I get what I am supposed to be doing but it is just so hard... but again I promise I will try harder!

  • This helps balance blood sugar levels
  • Improves the flexibility of ankles, knees and hips
  • Increases circulation to liver and spleen
  • Works the last 5 vertebrae of the spine.
I decided I wasn't going to do the second class today. The Posture Clinic was amazing (Thanks again to Libby and Rachel and my fellow classmates) but it is such a lovely day outside I thought a few rays were in order, plus I am up to date with my classes.

Just 3 more to go!

Saturday, 26 June 2010


Class Twenty-Six of Thirty
(5.00pm, 26th June, taught by Libby)

That's right... the observant amongst you will see that this is the second class of the day! I pulled a double. I did the Posture Clinic (which was amazing and I may well blog about it after the 30 day challenge is over...) which was amazing - thanks to Libby and Rachel for teaching and thanks to my fellow posture clinic chums for making it a great experience and I am looking forward to the floor series tomorrow! (If you ever get the chance to do a clinic do it! It gives the opportunity to better understand each posture and the chance to ask questions.)

So I have not done a double before. It was quite an experience. I had to dig down very deep to try and keep the energy to get through it. Interestingly I have been a little dismissive of the whole re-energising thing. Guess what... I had a couple of glimpses of how it might actually re-energise! There were a couple of moments at the end of the class when I suddenly felt really strong and 'proud' in my postures - needless to say it passed quickly!

So today is about Rabbit. I have had a love/hate relationship with this posture. I am currently quite liking it. There is always the risk that you end up getting sweat up your nose and it feeling like you have just dived into a swimming pool! The one thing I don't get about this, and a fair number of the floor series, is why it is called rabbit - it doesn't look like a rabbit to me! Something I have to watch is keeping my feet/heels down onto the floor and making sure my arms lock out. I have found the key is to get my forehead onto my knee then as I move forward my head meets the floor just before my knees.

In terms of Science...
  • Gives a longitudinal stretch to the spine
  • Improves digestion
  • May help cures colds, sinus problems and tonsillitis
  • Positive effects on thyroid and parathyroid glands
  • Helps children reach their full growth potential
Again, apologies for the shortness of this post but I need to go get into Savasana. Methinks I may well get very deep into this posture very quickly!

Blimey - only 4 left!


Class Twenty-Five of Thirty
(10am, 26th June, taught by Rachel)

The pit seems to be getting warmer and warmer! Not sure if it is me of the fact that its beautifully warm outside. Quite a strong class but I did want to take it a little easy as I knew I had posture clinic and I didn't wanted to flake out before it! As I knew it was the standing series in the clinic today I thought I would pay particular attention to how the postures feel so I could get the most out of it. This in and of itself was interesting as I found myself more focussed on form than usual. Managed all of the postures, except one... which unfortunately was today's posture - Camel. Oh well.

So as I say today is all about the Camel. As you will know if you have been following this blog this is not one of my favourite postures. I find myself getting nervous about this from the moment I get into Fixed Firm Pose. I know that you aren't meant to anticipate anything in the class but this posture is just so grim I can't help it. To be honest it is the Triangle equivalent of the floor series. I usually know from the moment I get onto my knees if this is going to work or not. My legs start to wobble and the muscles go into some kind of spasm. Then there is the overwhelming feeling of nausea as my head goes back. Then there is the tidalwave of emotion as my chest opens up... if, and that's a big IF, I manage to get through all of that I am OK. I have found during this challenge that if I can look myself deep into my eyes it seems easy, I can psych myself out!

OK to the Science...
  • Stretching of the abdominal organs
  • Cures constipation
  • Stretches the throat, thyroid and parathyroid
  • Compression of the spine
  • Improves flexibly in the neck and spine
  • Firms and slims the abdomen & waistline
Sorry it is a bit of a short post, I did the Posture Clinic and then ended up doing a second class so I am little tired and need to blog that one too!



Class Twenty-Four of Thirty
(5.30pm, 25th June, taught by Harbinder)

Oh what a night! Best class of the week by far!! Was a busy one, the energy was good and the yoga flowed - thanks Harbinder and my fellow Bikram-Bunnies! Started strangely... I was in my fave spot by the fire exit but someone had not blocked the bottom of the door with a mat (It wasn't me... HONEST!!!) and as I started to practice I was actually cold!!! I couldn't believe it, I was in the sweat-pit and I kind of wanted the heat turning up! Fortunately the eagle-eyed Harbinder clocked it and blocked the bottom of the door, the temperature went up and my practice got easier!

Got something going on with my back at the moment. Backward bends are just awkward, which is a pain (literally). Still I am in posture clinic this weekend so hopefully I will be able to work out what is going on and make sure it is not down to my bad postures. Still, managed all of the postures, though elbows hurt like hell in Locust - again posture clinic...

So today is about Half Tortoise Pose. Now this is supposedly a re-energising posture. Have to admit I have yet to experience that but that may be down to me not doing it right. I can't do the head on the floor before the fingers thing. Then there are the million and one instructions that are barked out... I am sorry I just get lost after the shoulders stretched bit. I can't seem to get that end of my spine sorted as well as getting by bum down onto my heels and my nose/ forehead onto the mat... GRRRRRRRR! I am sure there is a line about this being about teaching patience! The other thing that can be grim about this posture is the sweat in the eyes... as it is towards the end of the series there is plenty of sweat but not so much patience!

OK so now for a little science:
  • This is a posture provides maximum relaxation (the dialogue talks about this being as good as 8 hours sleep)
  • Great for indigestion
  • Stretches the lower part of the lungs
  • Increases blood-flow to the brain
  • Firms the abs and thighs
Right off for some Savasana... gotta be well rested as it is day one of the Posture Clinic tomorrow. (Hugely looking forward to that.)

Before I go, I was thinking today, in less than a week this will all be over... I think I am gonna miss it!

Only 6 classes to go!

Friday, 25 June 2010


Class Twenty-Three of Thirty
(6.00pm, 24th June, taught by Rachel)

Go-yoga...go-yoga...go-yoga! Yayee, I did it...a whole class without dying! It feels like it has been a while! It was a miracle that I got there... was a case of hot footing it back from work (behind every driver who thought that today was national let's drive at the speed of a drunken snail-day!) and had the grand total of 3 minutes to spare when I arrived red faced and sweaty at the pit (FYI, I work 35 miles from Leicester... it should not take an hour as most of the journey is on a motorway!!! Grrrrr!!!!!) Rant over... so I got to the pit in time for the start of Pranayama. I set myself the personal target that I needed to get through the class, doing all of the postures without either talking myself out of it or needing to cool off by the door. And you know what...I DID IT!!!

It was a hot class tonight but once I had decided that all I needed to do was get through it I managed to enjoy it! Isn't it weird how your mind plays tricks on you?! I was right at the back of class... oddly reminded me of the first class I did which was nice... I had a great view, as I have said before it is inspiring to watch a room of people all working at the same time. Rachel pushed me on Standing Head to Knee... whilst it is probably what I need (and what I am paying for!) it didn't feel like it at the time!!! Whilst I understand the words of 'kick from the hip' I just can't translate that into what it feels like! I did 2 full sets of Triangle... and even found myself standing tall and proud for the '... and turn and twist like spine twisting pose...'-bit! It felt great!! And then to add the icing to the yogic-cake I was enjoying I got deep into Camel and came out and rather than the Savasana being full of nausea and general post-Ustrasana grimness I felt great!!!

So today is about the Sit-Up. I could have put this earlier but this is part of the 'Re-energising' series (more about my cynicism about this tomorrow). There are good days with this and also there are bad ones. Some days it just feels like too much like hard work, but then I guess that is also true of some yoga classes!!!

So the science point is...

The Sit-Up strengthens and tightens the abdomen and helps increase the flexibility of the spine.


PS Rachel agreed with me today... Energy Drink + Yoga Class = Caffeine-Sweats + Feeling Vile!

Only 7 classes to go!

Wednesday, 23 June 2010


Class Twenty-Two of Thirty
(5.30pm, 23rd June, taught by Rachel)

WIPE OUT! The sweat-pit beat me today. I had decided that I was going to take it easy today so was towards the back of the room which gave me the great view of the whole class in Pranayama Breathing which looks great. I started OK, was actually enjoying it... remembered something Libby said in a class recently when it came to back bending... she suggested that we imagined we were leaning back over a big ball - you know it works, it prevents collapsing into your lower spine. Eagle went well, the standing series was fairly strong - standing head to knee is making progress, then we got to Triangle and it all went south! Now I suppose I should 'fess up at this point I had made a slight error of judgement... As I was leaving the house to go to yoga I picked up a can of supermarket home-brand energy drink... there was logic (honest) I figured that as I had had a positive response to using the C-Vit things they sell at the studio it wasn't a that daft to have an energy drink - or was it? Top tip - DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!! (Or in the studio!) It lead to odd rushy sweats, and a racing heart. Now I know that these are also 'side-effects' of Bikram Yoga but believe me these were noticeably different (and not in a good way!). So I am not too surprised at a bit of a 'mare of a session. One thing lead to another and I think I kind of talked myself out of doing postures and started to get overwhelmed by the room, which led to an inability to settle my breathing down again, resulting to a trip to the door for some fresh air. I managed to regain some control and was able to get back into it from fixed firm pose - well it is today's posture. Yet again more learning as part of this 30 day roller-coaster ride! Next time I think something is a good idea I will park that thought and revisit it a bit later!

So as I have just said today is Fixed Firm Pose (or super pose... there is something about how the sanskrit name of this posture can sound to me - 'Super-Dooper-Drasana' that never ceases to put a smile on my face (clearly I am easily pleased!)). I really like this posture as it feels like 'proper yoga' and is a chance to refocus on my breathing after the spine-strengthening series. I am currently working on getting my shoulders further back to be able to get an even bigger bridge into my spine. There have been times I have been told off for closing my eyes - this is not a chance to catch a few Zzzzs! There are also times I need the first set to be able to get my bum down between my feet before going back in the second set. But all in all this posture gets my vote every time!

  • Good for gout, sciatica and rheumatism in the legs
  • Slims the thighs & firms the calves
  • Strengthens and improves flexibility in the lower spine, knees and ankles
OK, you know the drill... Savasana...


Tuesday, 22 June 2010


Class Twenty-One of Thirty
(7.45pm, 22nd June, taught by Hannah)

Phew... what a scorcher! I know that it is hot yoga but today was quite a challenge. I knew that it was going to be hot as it looked like a swarm of hot, pink lobsters leaving the studio as I was waiting to go in... and the heat coming off of them was enough to boil water. As I walked in I was hit by a wall of hot, humid air and I knew I was in for quite a session. Then the lights came on and I saw that it was Hannah teaching - BINGO! I have now had each of the Bikram teachers teach me as part of the 30 day challenge... only took 21 days to get the full house! I was a bit worried that I was going to get moved as the front row was off to one side but fortunately there were three new ladies behind us so we got to stay where we were! The class started off OK, managed some quite nice deep Eagle - even in I do say so myself I am starting to see the start of some real definition and can see what a six-pack might look like! (I can dream!) I got a couple of leg extensions in Standing Head to Knee which was nice. We got to Posture of the Week and even though I was almost ready to die I was almost up for volunteering, but Hannah forgot and went straight into it so I was saved! Triangle beat me... got into the start of the posture but no sooner as I started to bend my right leg but I felt all my energy drain out through my feet - very strange, but I had to acknowledge it and stand out of the posture. The floor series was tough, but I got one good set of Locust (both legs) and todays posture (Bow Pose) went well. As we headed towards Camel I could feel the anxiety building up. However I acknowledged the feeling and 'asked' it to move on... and it did so I pulled off two very respectable sets! Must remember that for the future.

So today is all about Bow, or Floor Bow. Hannah came out with the cutest line of dialogue today that put a smile on my face! 'We have worked the lower, middle and upper spine. Now we are going to finish it all off with a Bow!' - LOVE IT! This is a posture that I struggle with. I get what I am meant to be doing but it comes at a point in the class when energy levels are starting to flag. It was suggested that I relaxed my face and brow and you know what, daft as it sounds, it works! One very odd thing that I have noticed is the intense pulse across the top of my stomach/bottom of my rib cage when I grab my ankles and my stomach is flat on the ground (not sure what blood vessel it is... answers on a postcard please). I would have thought that as I like standing bow pulling pose this would also be a favourite but this posture is just such hard work! There have been a number of times when whoever is teaching has said that the key is to save some energy for the end of the posture and then really go for it for the last few seconds. I was determined that I was going to do this well today so I relaxed my face and brow, went so far to start and the in the second half of the posture relaxed my arms, kicked with my legs and looked back and up and hey presto a perfectly respectable posture! (Well it was in my head!!) But gawd-blimey it don't half take it out of you!

I know... time for some science:
  • Improves the functioning of the small and large intestines, liver, kidneys and spleen
  • Helps to straighten rounded spines, backaches and pigeon chests
  • Revitalizes spinal nerves by increasing circulation to the spine
  • Improves digestion
  • Strengthens abdominal muscles, upper arms, thighs and hips
  • Particularly good if you are a dancer
Not bad eh?

Oh yeah, one last tip, best not have a king-size snickers two and a half hours before the class... It might start to repeat and that isn't so nice when you head is below your knees!

OK off for some well earned Savasana...


Monday, 21 June 2010


Class Twenty of Thirty
(5.30pm, 21st June, taught by Libby)

Woop-woop! Another good class... and only another ten to go! It was busy tonight and the energy was so up it seemed to go really quickly. Was only foxed in the first set of Fixed Firm Pose - just didn't get my legs into the right position so I wasn't able to get back, however fixed that in the second set. Poor Rachel was explaining she has 8 classes to teach, 9 to practice and the Posture Clinic to do this week - rather her than me, but just think how good that will be for her! Managed to get my leg up and locked for a whole 5 seconds tonight in Standing Head to Knee... small steps but at least it is progress! I am definitely seeing benefits to this 30 day lark. I was having a bit of a mooch around the net and found a series of blogs for Bikram 101 i.e. a 101 day challenge...not sure if I could cope with that! I would only now be a fifth of the way through rather than two thirds!!! Maybe one day, it might be an interesting experience. What was nice was some of the shared experiences/feelings. New posture of the week - Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose... as I have said before I am not a fan of this, head down time I think!

So today is about Full Locust - this is a real trip of a posture. Just think about it, lie on your stomach, arms out to the side of you like plane wings and legs back behind you with heels touching. Then 'simply' raise your arms and legs up until you are resting on your hips - sounds simple doesn't it? It isn't! This is one posture where I am taking it slowly and think I am making progress but it is at a snails pace. Still if I am moving forwards, no matter how slowly, it has to be a good thing. I know that it is meant to be all about your own practice but it can sometimes be depressing seeing how well other people can get into this posture... having said that it can also be hugely inspirational so I will try to see a half full glass on this one. The other thing about this is I just don't get why it is called Locust...I doesn't look like a locust at all!

Bit of science anyone?
  • Ok so this is as therapeutic as Cobra with the same upper body benefits as Standing Bow Pulling
  • It also firms abs, upper arms, hips and thighs - that's gotta be worth it
It has been pointed out to be that an additional benefit of Salabhasana (yesterday's posture) is good for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome... (Thanks for that Sharan!)

Right it will be Savasana time soon... and the countdown starts tomorrow...bring it on!!!!


Class Nineteen of Thirty
(5.00pm, 20th June, taught by Rachel)

Hallelujah... hallelujah, hallelujah! You guessed it... a blinding class! I am still enjoying a wee bit of a buzz from it now six hours later! I was a touch worried that I had not prepared myself enough - I had spent the afternoon weeding up the allotment and had really hydrated properly. However the Zen-like effect of slowly weeding rows of onions and beans clearly had a very soothing effect of the brain and I was suitably chilled for class. (Maybe the quick shot of the vitamin C thing they sell at reception just before class also helped!) I seemed to flow through the postures without thinking about what was coming next for most of the class. Bizarrely I got into Cobra and felt great then started to think about yesterday's post about the perils of thinking about what was coming next and managed to 'think myself out' of worrying about Locust! I even managed two very respectable Camels and gave myself a cheeky smile in the mirror as a 'reward' as I came back up before relaxing into Savasana.

Today is about Locust - now this is one hell of a posture. The dialogue suggests that there might be some discomfort in your elbows as you regain flexibility... I should like to know just how long that takes as I have been practicing for almost 6 months now and it still can hurt like hell - I am hoping that I am doing it wrong and that I will learn how to correct my mistakes at next weeks Posture Clinic (ask at Reception for details). The first part of the posture (right then left leg) sounds easy enough but can actually be quite tricky, especially when you know that you need to keep the relevant hip down! Then there is the madness of the second part. I remember the first time I saw pictures of people doing this (remember your face is down so you don't get to see it in class) I couldn't a) believe that people could do this or b) believe that I would ever be able to do this. As it currently stands it is a very hit and miss posture for me. There are days when I can get a grip of this and get my legs up fairly high (though I am never quite sure how high), then there are other days when I just can't do it. It is rather like the game of Pool - I get what I m meant to be doing in theory, it is just tricky turing that into reality... however if it is anything like my Pool playing it may get better with practice (though unlike my Pool playing I doubt it gets better the more I drink!).

Now for the Science:
  • Apparently it has similar effects to Cobra but is more potent for back or spinal problems
  • It cures tennis elbow
  • It firms hips and buttocks
Well I am off for some Savasana now and to enjoy the last of my Yoga-buzz... Hopefully I will get some more tomorrow!

Saturday, 19 June 2010


Class Eighteen of Thirty
(10am, 19th June, taught by Libby)

A better class today! I moved today and practiced towards the middle of the studio, and tell you what it gives you a new perspective! Standing there watching fifty odd people Paranayama breathing in unison was amazing and felt great to be a part of it!!! What was also great was that all 5 teachers were in... 4 on mats and Libby as the YJ (Yoga-Jockey!). It had a good energy and I managed to get through the whole class and only had to sit out Camel, which I need to stop psyching me out. But all in all I think it was a good one... hopefully we have turned a corner!

Today is about Cobra Pose - The first of the 'Spine Strengthening Series' it is a good barometer of how the rest of the series is going to go. If I am having a good class then I am able to get deep into this posture and hold it well, but it is also very possible that all the power I have in my body can get 'zapped' fairly quickly and then it is heading towards game over! However, on the up side when it does go right it is a really nice deep back bend and feels great. Once I have the backbend sorted then the trick is keeping the tops of my feet on the floor and knees locked meaning that they are up off the mat. The danger is that as I like the posture and can do a fairly decent job of it (on a good day) my mind can wander and I end up thinking about what is coming next (Locust) and that starts the heart racing and adrenaline pumping and then it gets difficult to hold the posture as my breathing goes. It is really a case of staying in the moment and not anticipating anything - as ever easier said than done.

Herpetology anyone? (Snake Science - Cobra Pose!!!!)
  • One of the best ways to maintain the body in perfect condition
  • Works on spinal strength and flexibility helping prevent backache
  • Helps with lumbago, rheumatism and arthritis of the spine
  • Helps with menstrual issues (irregularity, cramps, backaches)
  • Good for bad posture
  • Improves how the liver and spleen function
  • Corrects bad posture
  • Strengthens deltoids, triceps and trapezius muscles
Time for a little Savasana I think...

Friday, 18 June 2010


Class Seventeen of Thirty
(5.30pm, 18th June, taught by Sharan)

A better class tonight. Not great, we are no where near that, but it was manageable even though it was VERY hot in there (and I wasn't the only one to notice it!). Having had a run of progressively worse classes I was a little nervous about tonight, but in the end I got through it. I arrived early and got into a nice relaxed Savasana... maybe it was a little too relaxed as when I lay down and closed my eyes there were three people in the room, when I next open my eyes there were over thirty! I may have nodded off, but it was nice! I also decided that I was going to give myself an easier time of it and it seemed to pay dividends.

I had to sit out one set of Triangle and Camel was just too much for me but I am pleased that I have hopefully turned a corner. I did however, find myself volunteering for posture of the week (Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana - Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose)... not sure quit how it happened. Sharan was looking for volunteers and before I knew what I was doing my hand was in the air and I was walking to the front. Tell you what though, don't think I have ever managed to pull off quite such a good posture before. I was told to take a slightly wider step than I am used to and it did help me get my forehead to the knee without bending my leg up. Having sorted the head to knee bit I was able to work on getting the alignment of my hips right. Unfortunately it did wipe me out for a bit!!!

So today is about Wind Removing Pose (snigger!). This is an interesting one, as so many postures it looks easy but it has interesting possibilities. I have been able to get suitably relaxed to really pull my leg/knee down to get a deep stretch and the pinching in my hip that the dialogue describes. I do find that my arms slip in the final part of the posture (both legs up, arms over knees holding elbows)... It seems to be a constant battle between maintaining the grip and getting my tailbone down onto the mat. This is also another one of those postures that benefits parts of my body I didn't know I had, or know what they do. Each of the parts works a different part of the Colon - now I know about that, but I was unaware that it came in ascending, descending and transverse flavours! (Not only is this yoga business good for the body, it also expands the mind!) One of the things I like about this posture is that it gives you the chance to re-focus and catch your breath before the madness of the floor series.

OK so a little light science?

Well there are no surprises that it helps cure and prevent flatulence! It also helps improve hip flexibility and firms the abdomen, hips and thighs.

You guessed it... it's Savasana time!

Thursday, 17 June 2010


Class Sixteen of Thirty
(6.00pm, 17th June, taught by Rachel)

What is going on? The third hellish class in a row! Well and truly died on my mat! I drank loads, ate properly but it just didn't work! I know that there are good days and bad days but it is amazingly difficult not to let it get me down! Still there are only 14 classes left so that is fewer than I have done and I am over the brow of the hill... I am NOT going to let it get me down, I WILL find that determination and I WILL DO IT!!

What I have learned so far in the challenge is that the Yoga Experience is only partly about the postures and flexibility, the bit that isn't talked about as much is the stuff that goes on in your head! This has been a real mental rollercoaster. I have been high as a kite, on the edge of tears and feeling totally drained and broken and all of this stood in a warm, moist room pulling a series of 26 shapes over 90 minutes! Beats the gym any day in my opinion!!!

What I have also learned is the value of yoga buddies (you know who you are!) They are the people catch your eye in the mirror and give the encouraging smile or look that says 'Come on... you can do it!'; they are the people who give that knowing look as your are leaving class that says 'Blimey that was tough but well done us for getting through it'; it's the people who inspire you to find the determination to dig deep and go for it through their practice on the mat next to you; it's the people who know just what to say when it all is getting a bit too much like hard work! To all of my yoga buddies I give you my heartfelt thanks! If you haven't got any yet can I suggest you acquire some, they make the whole experience so much more enjoyable... If you'd like one come and say hi at class and I will happily send you some positive vibes if I catch sight of you flagging in the mirror!

So I have talked about it lots, well tonight is all about Savasana. A deceptive little posture with a very unglamourous name... Dead Body Pose. It does take real determination to just relax, allow thoughts to pass and not distract and allow all the good that you have done flow around your body. I remember one of the teachers making a comment during one class that Bikram had said that you could tell how long someone had been practicing yoga by the speed they could get into Savasana... the longer you have practiced the quicker you can get into it. I have to say that there are days that I really struggle with it, my mind is racing, I am hot and bothered and my breathing is all over the place or I just want to close my eyes and drop off! However, there are also days when I just zone straight into it and it feels great. I do particularly like to get to class early and have 20 minutes of Savasana before I start. It allows me to acclimatise to the heat, to let go of all of the stuff that has been going on outside the studio and focus in on my practice and what I am about to do. (It does really make a difference when you can truly 'Set your intention to have a good class'.)

One of the biggest challenges has to be fighting the urge to itch, scratch or wipe the sweat - but at the end of the day these are only distractions and should be acknowledged, respected and allowed to pass - I know, easier said than done.

The other thing about Savasana is how it pops up during the class and often just feels too short. I often find myself between postures laying on my back in Savasana and being slightly narked when I am told to point my feet back, arms over my head and sit up, double exhale... and I was just getting comfortable! Again, it is all part of the mental rollercoaster of a ride that is Bikram Yoga (Maybe Mr Choudhury should have a chat with Alton Towers!!!)

OK so the science part (though I doubt there are any surprises here!):
  • This posture allows the blood circulation to return to normal
  • It teaches the ability to relax completely
Right, I am off to chill in some hardcore Savasana...

Wednesday, 16 June 2010


Class Fifteen of Thirty (aka Half-way through!)
(7.15pm, 16th June, taught by Sharan)

Question: what happens if you go to a Bikram class and haven't had enough to drink? Answer: It wipes you out! I know, schoolboy error, but didn't have enough to drink today so when I got into class I hadn't prepared myself properly and I therefore SUFFERED!!! The class started strongly enough. My back is still a little sore but I was able to get into some nice deep Half-Moon... Awkward was OK... Eagle was was actually quite satisfying as I am really getting deep into my hips and getting the weight over my ankle. The Balancing Series wasn't too bad... I have been working on my left-hand side Standing Bow-Pulling Pose and am slowly starting to see some progress (I think!), then we moved into Triangle and the energy just drained... Then Standing Separate Leg - again had to sit one out. I knew that things were up when I got into Tree and found it hard to stand and started to wobble a bit. I honestly thought I might end up on the floor. I had a voice in my head reminding me to breathe but it wasn't having the calming effect I had hoped it would. I got down onto the floor for Savasana and my head was spinning and I was feeling sick. To be honest I the went through the motions of Wind Removing and was feeling worse and worse. I sat out the first few postures of Spine Strengthening and Sharan noticed I was suffering and suggested some air might be an idea - it worked and I was able to get back onto my mat for Fixed Firm Pose and could get through the rest of the class. The moral of this story? Hydrate, HYDRATE, HYDRATE!!!!! But let's not forget folks...I'M HALFWAY THROUGH!!!!!!!!!

So today is all about Toe-Stand. I can remember my first Bikram class (6th January 2010) and seeing Toe Stand and thinking that there was way I would ever be able to do that! I also remember the class when Rachel piped up with 'Come on David, I think you can do it' and you know what I did! I love this posture as it just feels like 'proper yoga'! Again I have the whole left/right side thing going on... I find balancing on my left foot tricker than the right, and the final expression of the posture - lifting my hips from my heels is easier on the right. Still I am sure that I will come in time... it is all about balance!

OK so a bit of science:
  • This is good for psychological and mental powers - in particular patience
  • It helps cure gout (yayee - free reign on the Port!)
  • Helps with rheumatism in the knees, ankles and feet
  • It helps cure hemorrhoids
So off for some hardcore Savasana (tomorrow's posture) and then water, water and thrice water for me tomorrow...


Class Fourteen of Thirty
(7.45pm, 15th June, taught by Libby)

Before I start on class fourteen I guess I need to explain about the missed class. I had thought of calling this post "It's Mayhem on the M1" for that is why I didn't get to class on 14th June. I was working in Derby that day and left at 5, made good progress down the M1 until just before Junction 22 when I hit a tail back. Traffic news informed me that there had been an accident on the Southbound M1 between 22 and 21a and both lanes were closed to allow the air ambulance to land. This lead to a diversion off at 22 and rejoining at 21a, which in turn meant traveling a mile and a half and taking an hour and three-quarters to do so, which in turn meant getting home at 7.05, picking my kit up and deciding at 7.10 that I couldn't get into town, parked and on my mat in time for the start of the 7.15 class! To say I was a little miffed is something of an understatement! I had that classic thing of feeling sorry for the people involved in the crash and hoping that they were alright but at the same time wondering why on earth it had to happen in front of me - not very Yogic I know!!! On the up side there have been quite a few questions about where my blog is and what is going on, so it is good to know it is being read. Also I was missed at class - which is nice to know!!

OK, so back to Yoga. Class fourteen... It was a tricky one! Rachel had commented that I should move from my nice spot by the door where there is a gentle breeze from the draft under the door - apparently it is too cold (!) and I should challenge myself to practicing elsewhere in the room. So I moved to the middle of the room which was certainly warmer. That coupled with the touch of 'Prickly Heat' I had developed having got a little sun burnt at the weekend at the allotment (aggravated by an scratchy towel) meant it was a tricky class. Apparently I looked at one point like I was going to pass out and then later in the floor series I came over all emotional was fully expected to burst into tears at any moment! To top it all Libby made some comment towards the end of the class about the levels of energy and enthusiasm and I must has either made a groaning noise or pulled a face as it made Rachel, who was practicing next me, laugh! Have to say that had Rachel not been there motivating me by just being so damned flexible I might have given up and ended up on the floor - so thanks for that Rachel!

So Tree Pose - I like this posture. I like the fact that it helps lower the heart rate and allows me to refocus on my breathing to help prepare for the floor series. I still have to work on the flexibility to get my foot up and held so I can get into Namaskar (hands in prayer in front of my chest) but I am able to get my foot right up and well on the way to my belly button so it is just a case of practice, practice, practice! The other challenge is pushing my hips forward and lengthening my spine, but again I am sure it will come with time.

So now for a wee bit of Arboriculture (Get it? Tree-science!!!!)

This improves posture and balance and increases flexibility in ankles, knees and hips. It should help prevent hernia due to its strengthening effect on the internal obliques. Not bad for standing on one leg, eh?!!!

Now usually I would now be saying that I am off to practice my Savasana, but not today...I am now off to practice my yoga... Class Fifteen... Half way through!!!

Sunday, 13 June 2010


Day Thirteen of Thirty
(5.00pm, 13th June, taught by Rachel)

A tough one. Just wasn't really in the mood to be honest. Spent a lovely afternoon up the allotment dealing with the weeds and didn't really want to stop as I was really making headway! Anyhow, it is thirty day challenge and that trumps weeding so I dutifully made my way to the sweat-pit. It was a surprisingly busy class, and the energy was certainly up, I just wasn't. Having said that I did all of the postures and didn't sit anything out.

I have noticed a few aches and pains over the last couple of days so have started taking Glucosamine and Omega 3, will also get some Cod Liver Oil as well, see if that helps with my knees and may take a day of doing the 'if you have problems with your back' options during the class. I know that when I used to run I would often need to take a day between long runs during the marathon preparation to let my body settle down.

So today is about Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose. This is a bit of a grim one. It looks oh so simple but it isn't. I have found it does help if the step to the right is quite a wide one. I bizarrely find the instruction about turning on feet (or is it heels?) difficult to follow - one of the first signs of Yoga-brain setting in. Tucking your chin right in does make it easier to get your head to your knee. Then of course there is the issue of making sure you don't fall over - more inner thigh strength I am told! As for the dialogue... there are another couple of great bits in there... I am aware I have a Thyroid gland, I think it is in my throat (I seem to remember having an art teacher at school who had something wrong with hers and she had an operation which left her looking like she had had her throat cut!) however I was unaware of the existence of a Parathyroid. Thanks to the wonders of Wikipedia you can click to find out about them both (Thyroid - Parathyroid) (Apparently the Parathyroid was the last major organ to be identified in the human body having been firstly discovered in an Indian Rhinoceros by Richard Owen in 1850 - see learn about Yoga practice and human biological history as well!!!) The downside of this posture is the fact that by the time it appears in the series the sweat is really flowing so there is lotsof it running into your eyes as your head is facing downwards and the fact the your throat is well and truly choked... not nice, and apparently it is Rachel's least favourite... methinks there will be many a student breaking open their piggy banks, raiding the rainy day account and borrowing the kids college fund to buy the opportunity to teach this posture as part of the studio's Charity Class on 11th July where students get to teach the teachers... (More details available from the studio.)

What's that I want more science?! OK:
  • Slims the abdomen, waistline, hips, buttocks and upper thighs
Need I say more? Is this not enough?!!!!

Yep, it's Savanasa time.

Saturday, 12 June 2010


Class Twelve of Thirty
(10am, 12th June, taught by Sharan)

Only an average class today. I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but it just didn't quite get me like some of the classes earlier this week but then I guess that is just the luck of the draw. I was fairly tired, though I had slept well, and I made sure I ate properly before class. I am not going to let it worry me but it is a shame it wasn't any better. I managed to get almost all of the postures down - even though it was today's blog-posture, Triangle, that beat me! It was quite weird actually... I was in the middle of the first set and thought to myself that I was feeling a little tired and that despite the fact I may like the idea of sitting out round two I was going to work through it. We then got to the end of the first set and all of a sudden my body literally took over and I was on the floor! I have heard about mind over matter, but this was matter over mind!

Of all the postures in the whole of the Beginning Series, this is the one that I don't seem to have made any progress on. I dread it as I know it is coming up (I know, thou shalt not anticipate postures!). I don't seem to be able to get my thigh parallel with the floor, it hurts like hell to hold it and I find it almost impossible to remember to breathe! Grim, grim, grim!!!

So today is all about Triangle... as you may have picked up I HATE THIS POSTURE! It is just so damned difficult. I just don't seem to be able to stop my feet from slipping. I have been told time and time again it is a question of inner thigh strength... I don't think I have any!!! The other thing is the sweat on my feet, again it makes standing steady a nightmare. I would say this was all excuses but at home, out of the sweat-pit, I can do this!!!

Want some science? Here you go:

  • The only posture in the world to improve every muscle, joint, tendon, and internal organs
  • Firm hips, thighs, waistline!
  • Most important posture to increase hip strength.
It may feel like hell but clearly it is worth it!!

You guessed it, it's Savasana time.

Friday, 11 June 2010


Class Eleven of Thirty
(5.30pm, 11th June, taught by Sharan)

Yayee, a great Friday class, and especially after yesterday's class! It started well...I arrived for a 5.30 class in time for a 5.30 class! I popped my mat down, went and got changed and came back and my heart stopped... I had a neighbour (not in itself a problem), but I was going to be practicing next to Rachel... OMG, I was going to have to be on my best behaviour! But you know what, it was one of the most inspirational classes I have had. The shapes that woman throws are amazing!!! It was great to see how the postures should look. As you know I do like Standing Bow-pulling Pose... however the depth and grace in which Rachel expressed this posture was quite simply amazing. Now I know that sounds like I am gushing, and there may be a small element of that, but there is something simply breath-taking about watching the effortless expression of postures by someone who knows that they are doing! (Let's not forget the grace and beauty of Ezak Garcia!) The other thing that was nice was the odd little whispered encouragement or suggestion that I needed to go deeper, or more importantly breathe! (I know, naughty, but nice!!!)

Today is Standing separate leg stretching pose. This is one I struggle with. I made a bit of progress about six weeks ago in terms of a better and stronger bend forward but the thing that messes with my head is the whole holding the heels thing... I get it, in theory, but the practice is just tricky!! I almost managed to get my head down tonight, but on the whole I find it very hard to keep my knees locked out to allow me to have the deep leg stretch... How many classes have I heard 'lock your knees/legs David'? (The answer is probably too many!! Will I ever learn?)

Ok a wee touch of Friday night science:

  • This posture cures and prevents sciatica.
  • It helps the functioning of most of the internal organs.
  • It improves the tone and flexibility of the thighs and calves.
I know it is quite a short post, but off to perfect Savasana... Especially as tomorrow is an evil devil-spawn posture (Trikanasana)!!!

Thursday, 10 June 2010


Day Ten of Thirty (or a third of the way through!!!)
(6.00pm, 10th June, taught by Rachel)

Top class! Lots of people, lots of heat and lots of energy! Many thanks going out to both Rachel and everyone in the room for keeping the energy up!! Was quite surprised that it went well as it started a little strangely. I left work, hot footed it down the M1 from Northampton, picked up my yoga gear, dealt with the Narborough Road at rush hour, panicked that I was going to be late, arrived at the studio all hot, red and sweaty only to be greeted by Libby looking radiant, chilled and somewhat confused as to why someone was there so early... I had rushed to a 5.30 class that didn't actually start until 6! D'oh!!!

Not sure if it is the determination, the energy in the room over the past 5 classes or what but it honestly feels like my practice is getting stronger. I know, having said that I will probably die in the sweat-pit tomorrow like I did last Friday! Unfortunately it isn't the whole class that is feeling strong, just odd moments, but they are getting more frequent and lasting for longer... A great example of this was Standing Head to Knee... as you know, not a favourite of mine and not a posture I have been able to get beyond the first stage with... tonight Rachel complained that the front row were not in the posture and she wasn't going to stop until we were, so I just bit the bullet and sucked it in and got the standing leg locked, the other leg up, straight and locked out!!! (Well I know how awful it can feel when you are trying hard and someone causes the class to stall and all you want to hear is '...and change'!) It was amazing, it felt like I held it for a good 30-45 seconds and had I had more time I might even have been able to try and get my elbows down and my forehead to my knee!!! As ever the Bikram is messing with my head. Will have to see if I can get to the same place again.

So today is all about Balancing Stick, and yes I was hauled up to demonstrate. However, what Rachel didn't know was that I had spent every spare moment today thinking my way through the posture, where my body should be and how it should feel... and you know what, it paid off. Without wishing to sound like the big 'I am' I have to say I did myself proud! Maybe I will try that with some other postures and see if it has the same effect. If I am honest I still can't say I particularly like the posture. It is one of those that sounds oh so simple... think about it, stand on one leg and straighten out your body pointing forwards and backwards like a capital letter T... easy... or is it?! Not only does it feel that your body has to go down further than horizontal, your shoulders are popping out as your keep your arms up and you have to contend with the fact that your heart is ready to leap straight out of your chest. OK the dialogue does suggest that this posture will raise your heart rate, but what it doesn't explain is quite how much it will be raised and quite how odd your racing heart will feel. Still if the dialogue is to be believed it is strengthening the chambers of my heart.... that's got to be worth a little bit of feeling odd, hasn't it?

OK, to the science:
  • Good for control and balance - quel surprise!
  • Improves physical, psychological and mental powers.
  • Firming of the hips, buttocks and upper thighs.
  • Strengthens the heart.
  • Increases lung capacity.
  • Great for bad posture.
Blimey, not bad for a 'simple' little posture that doesn't even require you to bend over, spin on your head and lick the back of your knees! Aint this yoga-lark great!

OK, time to work on my Savasana...

Wednesday, 9 June 2010


Day Nine of Thirty
(5.30pm, 9th June, taught by Rachel)

Not quite as head-rushingly, yoga-buzzingly, toe-tingly good as yesterday's class but still enjoyed it! Good energy and managed all bar a couple of the postures. Nope, it wasn't Camel... I got into Triangle and immediately lost any power/strength I had in my legs so unfortunately it was sit down or fall down, and my elbows hurt like hell so the full Salabasana was not forthcoming tonight... but I tried my best and at the end of the day that is all I can do.

It appears that my quandary from last night has been taken out of my hands... it appears that my blog has been read by Sharan and Rachel and I will be doing standing stick tomorrow! Me and my big mouth...oh well, methinks I may have to do a few practice postures tomorrow at work in between meetings!

Tonight's posture is Standing Bow-Pulling Pose. I have to say that I am quite partial to this posture and am often found on one leg, kicking my other leg up and back whilst in the kitchen making tea! However, as with all of this yoga business it isn't as simple as all that. I can get nice and deep into the posture on my right hand side, however I find it a hell of a lot more tricky on the left... All very weird! One thing I did find very useful was a class that was taught by Libby who suggested that once you were in the posture, but before kicking back, that you lean back and then kick. It really helps get the back bending and the back leg into a position so it can be kicked up and back. Then there is the who issue of the arm out in front, aiming straight at the mirror in between the eyebrows, chin to the shoulder and lowering the body down. I can get up to this point then it really starts to get tricky! Getting my body right down tends to send me flying forwards. I guess that the deeper and further into the expression of postures that you go the more difficult it gets and highlights the need for a good solid foundation. The other thing that can through me is the weird changes in blood pressure and circulation. Of all of the postures this is the first to give a really good, guaranteed head-rush if I do it properly.

So ready for some science?
  • Apparently this is a perfect example of the tourniquet, or damming, effect of yoga as it transfers the circulation from one side of the body to the other which helps flood organs with fresh blood. (Though would explain the head-rush!)
  • It helps develop concentration, patience and determination (as per the last posture).
  • It is also great for firming the abdominal wall and upper thighs and tightening the upper arms, hips and bum. (I knew I liked this for a reason!)
Being the bit of a saddo I am I have booked Wednesday 30th June off work and have now worked out that I can do a Beginners (Normal) class followed by an Advanced class and count my Advanced class as number 30 which should make for an interesting final class. (Anyone who has attended, or watched an Advanced series will know that the class is very different but is an absolute scream as some of the postures defy gravity and what is physically right and proper! A great little video of a guy called Esak Garcia demonstrating some of the advanced postures can be found here. It shows some seriously beautiful yoga... oh well one day... who am I kidding?!!!)

As ever, off to practice a little light Savasana.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010


Class Eight of Thirty
(6.00pm, 8th June, taught by Rachel)

NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL YOGA!!!!! The class ended over 3 hours ago and I am still on a high from it! I have not had a class like that in ages... it was AWESOME! (Even seriously considered doing a second class!!) Thanks going out to Rachel and all my fellow Bikram-bunnies for keeping the energy up and making it a great class.

It was rammed in there tonight, another '4-row' class i.e. the front row was up against the front mirrors. I have to say that being that close to the mirror was quite a trip! It meant that I was able to look deep into my eyes and almost psych myself out... When it got to Camel I was able to look myself in the eye and challenge myself not to wimp out, and do you now what, I think I managed to pull off the best couple of Camel sets I have done in a long time, if not ever!!!! (Even thinking about it is bringing back the high!)

Today's posture is Standing Head to Knee. Now this is a posture I struggle with. The key is the locked out standing leg. Now in theory that should be easy enough but believe me it aint. I have yet to pull off anything that even resembles what this posture should look like. It is said that this posture helps teach patience and I have to say that never a truer word was said! I think I have yet to be able to hold a single set in the first part of the posture ('just' on one leg, knee locked out, holding the other foot from underneath with all fingers & thumbs in the grip) for the whole length of each expression. What I have noticed, however, over the past 6 weeks or so is that I am less 'wound up' by this posture. In other words I am letting the fact that I don't seem able to stay balanced on one leg for two minutes wash over me!!! Having said that it would be nice every so often to be able to kick my leg out and hold the posture for more that 5 seconds before falling over! Still I am sure that all good things come to those who wait - and as this posture is said to help develop determination that would seem to be the case.

In terms of the science:

Apart form the obvious patience this posture helps to build it helps tighten abdominal and thigh muscles, helps increase flexibility in the sciatic nerves as well as strengthening leg muscles. According to the dialogue it also helps strengthen the ligaments around the knee.

Now I have something of a quandary... Posture of the week is Balancing Stick - do I volunteer to demonstrate on Thursday as that will be my Tuladandasana post so would seem somewhat timely, having said that not one of my favourite postures... not sure, watch this space! Well I am off to ponder this and how I am going to stop my mat from smelling(!) as a practice my Savasana

Monday, 7 June 2010


Class Seven of Thirty
(7.15pm, 7th June, taught by Libby)

Third good class in a row! It was very busy tonight and it was very hot and humid but I have to say that I really enjoyed it! Got nice and deep into quite a few postures, including a great deep back bend in the second set...I do like doing them. It was nice to have Libby teach a class... there is a definite different vibe with each of the teachers despite the dialogue remaining the same. I think I only need a Hannah session and I will have the full set!

It did get me thinking though... With quite a lot of the postures it is hard to see what you look like and therefore where improvements could/should be made. I have certainly found watching the Trikansana sets that have been demonstrated. It is one thing looking at a picture but it is so much better if you can have a a good look from all angles. Yes there are the mirrors but it only gives one view - as we all know one of the ten commandments of the yoga studio is with the exception of a few postures 'the side mirror is for me, not for you, please look forwards...' I would like to know what I look like in some of the postures... maybe the studio should off a video service so you could watch your practice and identify where improvements can be made.

Despite having a good class I had to wimp out of Camel... I tried both sets but my head is still playing tricks with me and it seems that I only need to get to kneeling up and tipping my head back and I just either want to vomit, get mad palpitations or come over all emotional... but more about Camel around class 25.

So today is about the first water break... This is a great opportunity to mess with your head as the challenge is so often set down: 'If you have hydrated properly you may not need some...' There have been occasions when I haven't had a drink and it can make some of the balancing postures a little easier as despite being told to only take a sip self control is sometimes lacking! It is also a good opportunity to take stock of how the rest of the class is going to go, I have often found myself having to fight the urge not to breathe through my mouth at this point and wondering if I have the energy and/or determination to get through the balancing series...

So I am now a week through and as you will be able to see from the first week's posts it has been a bit of a roller-coaster so far. Having said that I am still enjoying it and am finding that the challenge has helped focus my mind on what else is going on with my practice rather than just the physical capability to pull some yogic shapes. I hadn't realised quite how much it affects my mood and also how much my mood prior to going to class affects my practice. I do, whenever possible, like to get to the studio early so I can have a nice long slow relax into the class first - it certainly helps deal with the frustrations of the M1 between junctions 15 and 21!!

Well I am off to hone my Savasana.

Sunday, 6 June 2010


Class Six of Thirty
(5pm, 6th June, taught by Rachel)

Two good classes on the trot... dare I think I have turned a corner?! Yep, that's right, had another good class tonight. Was quite an odd one to be honest. Arrived early, got a nice spot in the second row then people started arriving, then more, then more... and in the spirit of being nice I thought I ought to move forward as it was getting a bit clogged up at the back but then in walks Rachel and class began so I could have got away with being where I was... oh well, so much for mister nice guy!!!

It felt like a hot one and as soon as Rachel got in she noticed that the mat from under the door in the corner had been moved and got Sharan to move it back (Just for the record that had nothing to do with me, even though it would have been welcomed!). None the less I managed to get through the whole class without the extra air... After the class I saw Sharan as I was leaving and she asked if I was OK, I said that I was and that I had enjoyed the class tonight and she said that she thought I had been in pain throughout the class... I think she had mistaken my 'I am concentrating very hard'-face for my 'Oh my God this is hell'-face... an easy mistake to make! (Mental note to self: Work on those faces!!!)

Highlights of tonight I think were some strong back bends, as I have said before that is no real surprise, but then there was tonight's Pada-Hastasana... I have also already said that I have struggled with this posture but tonight I managed to get a nice deep stretch and no hip-popping!

So tonight's posture is Garurasana, Eagle Pose. (OK, I get the palms together under the nose may, at a push, look like an eagle's beak, but beyond that, I don't get the eagle reference!) As for my experience of this posture it is one that is very much a mixed blessing. Similarly to Utkatasana this is one the postures that I could identify personal progress in from fairly early on, which is great. However, now I know where my body is meant to be in the posture it has become one that I just can't slack on!!! As this is the last of the 'warm-up' postures I can't be blamed for liking the idea of of being able to chill a little towards the end, but no! Once you have your foot hooked around, with all 5 toes showing, there is no where to go but deep into the posture. Now once you have accepted that fact there is the realisation that you will effectively have all of your body weight over and through one bent leg... and that requires one hell of a lot of concentration. Of all of the postures I think that this is one of the ones I most rely on seeing myself in the mirror. (One of the others is Padangustana - Toe stand, but more of that later!)

One of the other things about Eagle is that it is probably the first posture in the series that really feels like Yoga... it has all the elements of twisted limbs and 'just how do they do that?' about it to make you feel like you are really practicing some mystic art. This means that there is a temptation to practice this posture at home... Now that is great, and some gentle practice should surely be applauded, but one word of advice... DO NOT TRY THIS POSTURE AFTER A FEW BEERS (or whatever your tipple may be)... This posture requires concentration and balance, and after a couple bravado just doesn't cut it!!! (Think about it, when you fall sideways you have to unwrap your arms before you can put them down to stop yourself... and that takes a time , and when falling time is something you just aint got! And yes, before you ask, this is the voice of experience talking!)

You guessed's the science part:

'The Eagle supplies fresh blood to the sexual organs and the kidneys, increasing sexual power and control. It helps firm calves, thighs, hips, abdomen, and upper arms. It also improves flexibility of the hip. knee, and ankle joints.' (Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class, also available from the Leicester Bikram Studio) So yes folks... this is yogic Viagra!!!!

You guessed it - off to perfect Savanasa!

Saturday, 5 June 2010


Class Five of Thirty
(10am, 5th June, taught by Rachel)

Phew! I have to say that after yesterday's fiasco I wasn't exactly looking forward to today's class. I had to work this afternoon so it had to be the morning class and I am not a huge fan as it can be tricky making sure I have eaten and drunk enough but with enough gap that I am not tempted to hoy the whole lot up on my mat! Anyway the class was almost very enjoyable!!

Decided to pop myself in the second row... couldn't face front row and vile class again and I don't know if it is just my head playing tricks but it seemed that any pressure I had put myself under went out the window and I was able to enjoy the yoga. (Even got a compliment on half a set of Trikanasana - not sure quite where I pulled that from but it was obviously in there wanting to get out!)

So I am five days in and it hasn't been quite the breeze I thought it would be. I suppose that despite going most days usually I know that I can have a 'day off' if I want to without worrying about it, but with this whole challenge thing I am kind of 'locked into' going every day. I know I could pull a double but I guess I think that kind of defeats the point i.e. practicing every day rather than a set number of sessions. In theory I could complete the whole thing in 12 days if I were to do every possible class - though having read the rules for the challenge that may have incurred the wrath of Libby as Yogic-Umpire and I may have found myself disqualified (apparently there is only supposed to be one double per week to catch up on any missed classes). I am still looking forward to the rest of it and am finding the whole mind-f*** quite interesting (in a bizarrely masochistic kind of a way!).

So today is Utkatasana, Awkward Pose. This was one of the postures where I could actually notice improvements fairly early on. I am sure I don't get all of the form right but I can remember the huge sense of achievement when I got through all 6 parts of the 2 sets of this posture without having to drop my arms at all! Similarly the standing on toes and 'sitting down' bit looked impossible at first but with determination I am starting to understand where my body is meant to be and can, more often than not, pull off a perfectly presentable set... However, as with all of the postures there is still lots of work to be done which I like - always more to learn and more of a challenge.

OK to the science bit:

Quite unsurprisingly this posture is good for strengthening and firming thighs and calves as well as increasing flexibility in the hips. It also firms the upper arms (bye bye bingo wings!).

Oh well off to bed, I mean for some intensive Savasana practice!

Friday, 4 June 2010

Day Four

Class Four of Thirty
(5.30pm, 4th June, taught by Harbinder)

Not really blogging this one! Twas a proper 'mare!!!

Arrived nice and early, had a good laugh with a couple of regulars, all fine... Then about 5 minutes into the class I started to think that I didn't really feel up to being there and that I couldn't really be bothered with doing a yoga class. Then I realised that that meant I was stuck there for another 85 minutes before I could escape! Hellish! Don't think I was the only one as there were comments about how it was an odd class and how the energy was a bit lethargic.

Needless to say that it was not exactly my best class! I had to sit out one set of Trikanasana, one of the following head to knee pose and as for Camel... well today my Camel had well and truly got the hump and was not playing! But I got through it, somehow... (Mental note to self: Must apologise to Harbinder for being so down on a class she took the trouble to teach!)

Lets hope class 5 is better...

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Ardha-Chandrasana with Pada-Hastasana

Class Three of Thirty
(6.00pm, 3rd June, taught by Rachel)

Yayee! A good class... and that's very surprising bearing in mind how busy it was... I am talking 4 rows of yoga-junkies with the front row at the mirror! Think there are a couple of reasons that it was a better class: firstly the weather has got properly warm but not muggy, I drank around 3 litres of water today before class and the energy in the room was up tonight. As I have no control over the weather nor the energy of my fellow yogaholics I will just make sure that I have plenty to drink - I know, it's obvious, but it don't half make a difference!

It appears that there are people reading this as there was a reference at tonight's class to something I posted a few days ago. It appears that there will be demos of specific postures as part of the class. Have to say that this is a great idea though I had to giggle when Rachel suggested that she would be looking for volunteers... so long as it stays on Trikanasana I am staying well clear of the parapet, let alone putting my head above it!

So today is about Half-Moon and Hands to Feet Pose... Have to admit that this is quite a mixed bag for me. I struggle with understanding the instruction about being careful not to collapse into my back... I think I am getting it right but am hoping that the posture clinic will sort out any problems there might be. Then there is the backward bending... call me a freak but I really enjoy these. The slight trepidation of the first set and then the 'lets go for it' of the second set is one of the highlights of the class for me. The sense of satisfaction of getting a really nice deep back-bend just can't be beaten! As for Hands to Feet, well this is something of an odd one. It is one of those postures that reveals how well I have prepared for class.. if I have eaten or drank too much water there is a tightness just below my chest... vile! Then there are the days when I can get a really good stretch then I get the nipping in my hips and it feels like my hips could pop out of my pelvis - never quite sure if that is a good thing!

Now for the science part:

There are lots of benefits listed for both of these postures (improved flexibility, better posture, proper kidney function) but the one thing that gets my interest is the fact that both firm and trim the waistline... and all from a little bending to the left and to the right, staying straight as if between two panes of glass... bargain!

Well three down, twenty-seven to go, so it is off to practice some more Savasana... by the end of the thirty days I will have this posture down to a fine art!!!

Wednesday, 2 June 2010


Class Two of Thirty
(7.15pm, 2nd June, taught by Rachel)

Another yucky class... not how I had thought my 30 days would start. I know that it's a challenge but surely the beginning is the easy bit and the struggle comes towards the middle or end. If it goes on like this I could be doing the 30 day nightmare! However, it seems that having spoken to a few people tonight, I am not alone in feeling a bit grim. It could be the anticipation, it could be the fact that there are 30 days (well 28) left, and no getting out of it... well not without letting myself down, or maybe I am just a bit of a wimp!

I had to sit out of a round of Trikanasana - my heart was just about set to leap straight out my chest, and the first Ustrasana (Camel Pose) - this is the one posture that scares me, not because of what I have to do more about how it makes me feel...SICK!!! But I guess I can always fall back on the defense of 'being honest in my practice'. Anyway, enough moaning, it is a few hours after the class and I feel great now so it can't have been that bad!

So the Pranayama at the start of every class is a great way to get focussed and centered but one thing that has bothered me from the start is the reference to my intercostal muscles and the burning question that if I have them, where are they? I am pleased that I am working them but it would be good to know what they are... answers on a postcard please! (Or just click here)

I have to say I quite enjoy the high I get from a good Pranayama session... whilst it may be the 'oxygen for the class' or the 'energy for the class' in my experience it is often the 'buzz for the class'.

Now for the Science Part...
  • According to the 'Bikram's Beginning Yoga' the idea of this part of the session is to teach the body how to use the 90% of the lung capacity that we don't use in our daily life.
  • According to Christina Brown's Yoga Bible Pranayama 'increases vitality and mental focus, and expands consciousness... It's simple: when we breathe better, we feel better' which is why I am sure that the advice is always to return to the breath if it all gets a bit much... if only it were that easy!

Well I am 2 days in, not died yet, and still strangely looking forward to the next 28 days and what I will learn about myself and my Yoga practice... and maybe have a few laughs along the way!

Off to do a bit more work on my Savasana, more tomorrow...

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

And so it begins...

Class One of Thirty
(7.45pm 1st June, taught by Sharan)

Well the madness has started! One class down and twenty-nine to go. Can't say it was exactly the start I was hoping for...I kinda thought I would feel grim towards the middle and end of the 30 days but today's class was pretty tough! I am not sure if it is psychological, or a fact, but when it is rainy outside it seems to get uber-humid in there and that seems to make it harder to breathe. That then leads to breathing through my mouth and that just seems to throw everything.

As for this blog... not sure how this is going to pan out, not sure if anyone is going to be bothered to read it, but if nothing else it should help focus my mind on the next 29 days of sweaty Bikram madness!

I think I am planning on concentrating on form over the challenge. I have booked a place on the posture clinic at the end of the month as it will have been 5 months I have been practicing. It would be good to check out how things are developing and hopefully nip any bad habits I may have picked up. I certainly found the demonstration Sharan was press-ganged into giving of Trikanasana on Sunday morning very useful... it turns out that I have been over complicating things - the first arm movement is just the arms moving, nothing else. Thinking about it I am sure the dialogue says 'moving just the arms'... but by that point in the class my brain is starting to slowly braise and whilst I hear the words they don't always make sense (something I am hoping to pick up on during the course of this blog) so it was good to see what I am meant to be doing.

Well I guess that is it for day 1/30... hopefully tomorrow's class will be a little easier... so I am off to practice my Savasana for the next few hours!

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Not long now till the 30 days commence!

Well I have finally succumbed to the lure of the bloggersphere and it seems that the impending Bikram Leicester 30 day challenge is the ideal subject of my first blog.

I can hardly believe that less than six months since my first trip to the sweat pit! I started in January, 4 days into the January 30 day challenge, and set myself a personal challenge of 15/30 days (which I completed)...well I wanted to get my thirty quids-worth!!! And here we are about to embark on another challenge and I can't wait to get started! So far I think I have managed about 25 classes in a this should be a challenge, and hopefully some fun!

Not sure how this (blog) is going to pan out, but bear with me and maybe we can have a laugh along the way!

So feet together, arms above your head sideways, inter-lock fingers, release your index fingers....and we shall begin!