Saturday, 26 June 2010


Class Twenty-Four of Thirty
(5.30pm, 25th June, taught by Harbinder)

Oh what a night! Best class of the week by far!! Was a busy one, the energy was good and the yoga flowed - thanks Harbinder and my fellow Bikram-Bunnies! Started strangely... I was in my fave spot by the fire exit but someone had not blocked the bottom of the door with a mat (It wasn't me... HONEST!!!) and as I started to practice I was actually cold!!! I couldn't believe it, I was in the sweat-pit and I kind of wanted the heat turning up! Fortunately the eagle-eyed Harbinder clocked it and blocked the bottom of the door, the temperature went up and my practice got easier!

Got something going on with my back at the moment. Backward bends are just awkward, which is a pain (literally). Still I am in posture clinic this weekend so hopefully I will be able to work out what is going on and make sure it is not down to my bad postures. Still, managed all of the postures, though elbows hurt like hell in Locust - again posture clinic...

So today is about Half Tortoise Pose. Now this is supposedly a re-energising posture. Have to admit I have yet to experience that but that may be down to me not doing it right. I can't do the head on the floor before the fingers thing. Then there are the million and one instructions that are barked out... I am sorry I just get lost after the shoulders stretched bit. I can't seem to get that end of my spine sorted as well as getting by bum down onto my heels and my nose/ forehead onto the mat... GRRRRRRRR! I am sure there is a line about this being about teaching patience! The other thing that can be grim about this posture is the sweat in the eyes... as it is towards the end of the series there is plenty of sweat but not so much patience!

OK so now for a little science:
  • This is a posture provides maximum relaxation (the dialogue talks about this being as good as 8 hours sleep)
  • Great for indigestion
  • Stretches the lower part of the lungs
  • Increases blood-flow to the brain
  • Firms the abs and thighs
Right off for some Savasana... gotta be well rested as it is day one of the Posture Clinic tomorrow. (Hugely looking forward to that.)

Before I go, I was thinking today, in less than a week this will all be over... I think I am gonna miss it!

Only 6 classes to go!

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