Class Eleven of Thirty
(5.30pm, 11th June, taught by Sharan)
Yayee, a great Friday class, and especially after yesterday's class! It started well...I arrived for a 5.30 class in time for a 5.30 class! I popped my mat down, went and got changed and came back and my heart stopped... I had a neighbour (not in itself a problem), but I was going to be practicing next to Rachel... OMG, I was going to have to be on my best behaviour! But you know what, it was one of the most inspirational classes I have had. The shapes that woman throws are amazing!!! It was great to see how the postures should look. As you know I do like Standing Bow-pulling Pose... however the depth and grace in which Rachel expressed this posture was quite simply amazing. Now I know that sounds like I am gushing, and there may be a small element of that, but there is something simply breath-taking about watching the effortless expression of postures by someone who knows that they are doing! (Let's not forget the grace and beauty of Ezak Garcia!) The other thing that was nice was the odd little whispered encouragement or suggestion that I needed to go deeper, or more importantly breathe! (I know, naughty, but nice!!!)
Today is Standing separate leg stretching pose. This is one I struggle with. I made a bit of progress about six weeks ago in terms of a better and stronger bend forward but the thing that messes with my head is the whole holding the heels thing... I get it, in theory, but the practice is just tricky!! I almost managed to get my head down tonight, but on the whole I find it very hard to keep my knees locked out to allow me to have the deep leg stretch... How many classes have I heard 'lock your knees/legs David'? (The answer is probably too many!! Will I ever learn?)
Ok a wee touch of Friday night science:
- This posture cures and prevents sciatica.
- It helps the functioning of most of the internal organs.
- It improves the tone and flexibility of the thighs and calves.
I know it is quite a short post, but off to perfect Savasana... Especially as tomorrow is an evil devil-spawn posture (Trikanasana)!!!
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