Thursday, 10 June 2010


Day Ten of Thirty (or a third of the way through!!!)
(6.00pm, 10th June, taught by Rachel)

Top class! Lots of people, lots of heat and lots of energy! Many thanks going out to both Rachel and everyone in the room for keeping the energy up!! Was quite surprised that it went well as it started a little strangely. I left work, hot footed it down the M1 from Northampton, picked up my yoga gear, dealt with the Narborough Road at rush hour, panicked that I was going to be late, arrived at the studio all hot, red and sweaty only to be greeted by Libby looking radiant, chilled and somewhat confused as to why someone was there so early... I had rushed to a 5.30 class that didn't actually start until 6! D'oh!!!

Not sure if it is the determination, the energy in the room over the past 5 classes or what but it honestly feels like my practice is getting stronger. I know, having said that I will probably die in the sweat-pit tomorrow like I did last Friday! Unfortunately it isn't the whole class that is feeling strong, just odd moments, but they are getting more frequent and lasting for longer... A great example of this was Standing Head to Knee... as you know, not a favourite of mine and not a posture I have been able to get beyond the first stage with... tonight Rachel complained that the front row were not in the posture and she wasn't going to stop until we were, so I just bit the bullet and sucked it in and got the standing leg locked, the other leg up, straight and locked out!!! (Well I know how awful it can feel when you are trying hard and someone causes the class to stall and all you want to hear is '...and change'!) It was amazing, it felt like I held it for a good 30-45 seconds and had I had more time I might even have been able to try and get my elbows down and my forehead to my knee!!! As ever the Bikram is messing with my head. Will have to see if I can get to the same place again.

So today is all about Balancing Stick, and yes I was hauled up to demonstrate. However, what Rachel didn't know was that I had spent every spare moment today thinking my way through the posture, where my body should be and how it should feel... and you know what, it paid off. Without wishing to sound like the big 'I am' I have to say I did myself proud! Maybe I will try that with some other postures and see if it has the same effect. If I am honest I still can't say I particularly like the posture. It is one of those that sounds oh so simple... think about it, stand on one leg and straighten out your body pointing forwards and backwards like a capital letter T... easy... or is it?! Not only does it feel that your body has to go down further than horizontal, your shoulders are popping out as your keep your arms up and you have to contend with the fact that your heart is ready to leap straight out of your chest. OK the dialogue does suggest that this posture will raise your heart rate, but what it doesn't explain is quite how much it will be raised and quite how odd your racing heart will feel. Still if the dialogue is to be believed it is strengthening the chambers of my heart.... that's got to be worth a little bit of feeling odd, hasn't it?

OK, to the science:
  • Good for control and balance - quel surprise!
  • Improves physical, psychological and mental powers.
  • Firming of the hips, buttocks and upper thighs.
  • Strengthens the heart.
  • Increases lung capacity.
  • Great for bad posture.
Blimey, not bad for a 'simple' little posture that doesn't even require you to bend over, spin on your head and lick the back of your knees! Aint this yoga-lark great!

OK, time to work on my Savasana...

1 comment:

  1. David all your thoughts and hard work re. balancing stick very obviously paid off..... It was BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT, BRILLIANT!!! We shall be expecting that every class now! Really well done - your heart will be SO strong
