Class Twenty-One of Thirty
(7.45pm, 22nd June, taught by Hannah)
Phew... what a scorcher! I know that it is hot yoga but today was quite a challenge. I knew that it was going to be hot as it looked like a swarm of hot, pink lobsters leaving the studio as I was waiting to go in... and the heat coming off of them was enough to boil water. As I walked in I was hit by a wall of hot, humid air and I knew I was in for quite a session. Then the lights came on and I saw that it was Hannah teaching - BINGO! I have now had each of the Bikram teachers teach me as part of the 30 day challenge... only took 21 days to get the full house! I was a bit worried that I was going to get moved as the front row was off to one side but fortunately there were three new ladies behind us so we got to stay where we were! The class started off OK, managed some quite nice deep Eagle - even in I do say so myself I am starting to see the start of some real definition and can see what a six-pack might look like! (I can dream!) I got a couple of leg extensions in Standing Head to Knee which was nice. We got to Posture of the Week and even though I was almost ready to die I was almost up for volunteering, but Hannah forgot and went straight into it so I was saved! Triangle beat me... got into the start of the posture but no sooner as I started to bend my right leg but I felt all my energy drain out through my feet - very strange, but I had to acknowledge it and stand out of the posture. The floor series was tough, but I got one good set of Locust (both legs) and todays posture (Bow Pose) went well. As we headed towards Camel I could feel the anxiety building up. However I acknowledged the feeling and 'asked' it to move on... and it did so I pulled off two very respectable sets! Must remember that for the future.
So today is all about Bow, or Floor Bow. Hannah came out with the cutest line of dialogue today that put a smile on my face! 'We have worked the lower, middle and upper spine. Now we are going to finish it all off with a Bow!' - LOVE IT! This is a posture that I struggle with. I get what I am meant to be doing but it comes at a point in the class when energy levels are starting to flag. It was suggested that I relaxed my face and brow and you know what, daft as it sounds, it works! One very odd thing that I have noticed is the intense pulse across the top of my stomach/bottom of my rib cage when I grab my ankles and my stomach is flat on the ground (not sure what blood vessel it is... answers on a postcard please). I would have thought that as I like standing bow pulling pose this would also be a favourite but this posture is just such hard work! There have been a number of times when whoever is teaching has said that the key is to save some energy for the end of the posture and then really go for it for the last few seconds. I was determined that I was going to do this well today so I relaxed my face and brow, went so far to start and the in the second half of the posture relaxed my arms, kicked with my legs and looked back and up and hey presto a perfectly respectable posture! (Well it was in my head!!) But gawd-blimey it don't half take it out of you!
I know... time for some science:
- Improves the functioning of the small and large intestines, liver, kidneys and spleen
- Helps to straighten rounded spines, backaches and pigeon chests
- Revitalizes spinal nerves by increasing circulation to the spine
- Improves digestion
- Strengthens abdominal muscles, upper arms, thighs and hips
- Particularly good if you are a dancer
Not bad eh?
Oh yeah, one last tip, best not have a king-size snickers two and a half hours before the class... It might start to repeat and that isn't so nice when you head is below your knees!
OK off for some well earned Savasana...
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