Class Twenty-Five of Thirty
(10am, 26th June, taught by Rachel)
The pit seems to be getting warmer and warmer! Not sure if it is me of the fact that its beautifully warm outside. Quite a strong class but I did want to take it a little easy as I knew I had posture clinic and I didn't wanted to flake out before it! As I knew it was the standing series in the clinic today I thought I would pay particular attention to how the postures feel so I could get the most out of it. This in and of itself was interesting as I found myself more focussed on form than usual. Managed all of the postures, except one... which unfortunately was today's posture - Camel. Oh well.
So as I say today is all about the Camel. As you will know if you have been following this blog this is not one of my favourite postures. I find myself getting nervous about this from the moment I get into Fixed Firm Pose. I know that you aren't meant to anticipate anything in the class but this posture is just so grim I can't help it. To be honest it is the Triangle equivalent of the floor series. I usually know from the moment I get onto my knees if this is going to work or not. My legs start to wobble and the muscles go into some kind of spasm. Then there is the overwhelming feeling of nausea as my head goes back. Then there is the tidalwave of emotion as my chest opens up... if, and that's a big IF, I manage to get through all of that I am OK. I have found during this challenge that if I can look myself deep into my eyes it seems easy, I can psych myself out!
OK to the Science...
- Stretching of the abdominal organs
- Cures constipation
- Stretches the throat, thyroid and parathyroid
- Compression of the spine
- Improves flexibly in the neck and spine
- Firms and slims the abdomen & waistline
Sorry it is a bit of a short post, I did the Posture Clinic and then ended up doing a second class so I am little tired and need to blog that one too!
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