Class Twenty-Three of Thirty
(6.00pm, 24th June, taught by Rachel)
Go-yoga...go-yoga...go-yoga! Yayee, I did it...a whole class without dying! It feels like it has been a while! It was a miracle that I got there... was a case of hot footing it back from work (behind every driver who thought that today was national let's drive at the speed of a drunken snail-day!) and had the grand total of 3 minutes to spare when I arrived red faced and sweaty at the pit (FYI, I work 35 miles from Leicester... it should not take an hour as most of the journey is on a motorway!!! Grrrrr!!!!!) Rant over... so I got to the pit in time for the start of Pranayama. I set myself the personal target that I needed to get through the class, doing all of the postures without either talking myself out of it or needing to cool off by the door. And you know what...I DID IT!!!
It was a hot class tonight but once I had decided that all I needed to do was get through it I managed to enjoy it! Isn't it weird how your mind plays tricks on you?! I was right at the back of class... oddly reminded me of the first class I did which was nice... I had a great view, as I have said before it is inspiring to watch a room of people all working at the same time. Rachel pushed me on Standing Head to Knee... whilst it is probably what I need (and what I am paying for!) it didn't feel like it at the time!!! Whilst I understand the words of 'kick from the hip' I just can't translate that into what it feels like! I did 2 full sets of Triangle... and even found myself standing tall and proud for the '... and turn and twist like spine twisting pose...'-bit! It felt great!! And then to add the icing to the yogic-cake I was enjoying I got deep into Camel and came out and rather than the Savasana being full of nausea and general post-Ustrasana grimness I felt great!!!
So today is about the Sit-Up. I could have put this earlier but this is part of the 'Re-energising' series (more about my cynicism about this tomorrow). There are good days with this and also there are bad ones. Some days it just feels like too much like hard work, but then I guess that is also true of some yoga classes!!!
So the science point is...
The Sit-Up strengthens and tightens the abdomen and helps increase the flexibility of the spine.
PS Rachel agreed with me today... Energy Drink + Yoga Class = Caffeine-Sweats + Feeling Vile!
Only 7 classes to go!
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