(7.15pm, 2nd June, taught by Rachel)
Another yucky class... not how I had thought my 30 days would start. I know that it's a challenge but surely the beginning is the easy bit and the struggle comes towards the middle or end. If it goes on like this I could be doing the 30 day nightmare! However, it seems that having spoken to a few people tonight, I am not alone in feeling a bit grim. It could be the anticipation, it could be the fact that there are 30 days (well 28) left, and no getting out of it... well not without letting myself down, or maybe I am just a bit of a wimp!
I had to sit out of a round of Trikanasana - my heart was just about set to leap straight out my chest, and the first Ustrasana (Camel Pose) - this is the one posture that scares me, not because of what I have to do more about how it makes me feel...SICK!!! But I guess I can always fall back on the defense of 'being honest in my practice'. Anyway, enough moaning, it is a few hours after the class and I feel great now so it can't have been that bad!
So the Pranayama at the start of every class is a great way to get focussed and centered but one thing that has bothered me from the start is the reference to my intercostal muscles and the burning question that if I have them, where are they? I am pleased that I am working them but it would be good to know what they are... answers on a postcard please! (Or just click here)
I have to say I quite enjoy the high I get from a good Pranayama session... whilst it may be the 'oxygen for the class' or the 'energy for the class' in my experience it is often the 'buzz for the class'.
Now for the Science Part...
- According to the 'Bikram's Beginning Yoga' the idea of this part of the session is to teach the body how to use the 90% of the lung capacity that we don't use in our daily life.
- According to Christina Brown's Yoga Bible Pranayama 'increases vitality and mental focus, and expands consciousness... It's simple: when we breathe better, we feel better' which is why I am sure that the advice is always to return to the breath if it all gets a bit much... if only it were that easy!
Well I am 2 days in, not died yet, and still strangely looking forward to the next 28 days and what I will learn about myself and my Yoga practice... and maybe have a few laughs along the way!
Off to do a bit more work on my Savasana, more tomorrow...
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