(7.15pm, 16th June, taught by Sharan)
Question: what happens if you go to a Bikram class and haven't had enough to drink? Answer: It wipes you out! I know, schoolboy error, but didn't have enough to drink today so when I got into class I hadn't prepared myself properly and I therefore SUFFERED!!! The class started strongly enough. My back is still a little sore but I was able to get into some nice deep Half-Moon... Awkward was OK... Eagle was was actually quite satisfying as I am really getting deep into my hips and getting the weight over my ankle. The Balancing Series wasn't too bad... I have been working on my left-hand side Standing Bow-Pulling Pose and am slowly starting to see some progress (I think!), then we moved into Triangle and the energy just drained... Then Standing Separate Leg - again had to sit one out. I knew that things were up when I got into Tree and found it hard to stand and started to wobble a bit. I honestly thought I might end up on the floor. I had a voice in my head reminding me to breathe but it wasn't having the calming effect I had hoped it would. I got down onto the floor for Savasana and my head was spinning and I was feeling sick. To be honest I the went through the motions of Wind Removing and was feeling worse and worse. I sat out the first few postures of Spine Strengthening and Sharan noticed I was suffering and suggested some air might be an idea - it worked and I was able to get back onto my mat for Fixed Firm Pose and could get through the rest of the class. The moral of this story? Hydrate, HYDRATE, HYDRATE!!!!! But let's not forget folks...I'M HALFWAY THROUGH!!!!!!!!!
So today is all about Toe-Stand. I can remember my first Bikram class (6th January 2010) and seeing Toe Stand and thinking that there was way I would ever be able to do that! I also remember the class when Rachel piped up with 'Come on David, I think you can do it' and you know what I did! I love this posture as it just feels like 'proper yoga'! Again I have the whole left/right side thing going on... I find balancing on my left foot tricker than the right, and the final expression of the posture - lifting my hips from my heels is easier on the right. Still I am sure that I will come in time... it is all about balance!
OK so a bit of science:
- This is good for psychological and mental powers - in particular patience
- It helps cure gout (yayee - free reign on the Port!)
- Helps with rheumatism in the knees, ankles and feet
- It helps cure hemorrhoids
So off for some hardcore Savasana (tomorrow's posture) and then water, water and thrice water for me tomorrow...
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