Monday, 28 June 2010


Class Twenty-Eight of Thirty
(7.15pm, 28th June, taught by Rachel)

Apparently football is a game of two halves... well so is Yoga! What a class tonight. The standing series was mad. It was like someone else (who knew what they were doing) was practicing in my body!! My stomach was sucked in, my breathing was slow and measured, my form was firm. I had one expression of Standing Bow Pulling Pose where I went deeper and stronger than I have ever done before... there is a bit in the dialogue that talks about who when you get deep into the posture you pull and kick so hard you can balance there forever and I had a glimpse of what was meant. There was a balance and equal and opposite forces pulling in opposite directions... it was lovely! In contrast the floor series started well and then I just spun-out. I got into the first expression of Locust and I think I had my arms/hands in the wrong place and I lost feeling in my hands and with that I just started to go into spasm in my hands, my breathing went and then it was show over and I had to retire to the door. However I got back in for the second expression of Camel. (I was given an amazing mantra at Posture Clinic about this posture... As you will know if you have read this blog I like backward bends... Camel is just a backward bend... All of a sudden it isn't scary... The mind is an amazing thing and you can convince yourself of anything... maybe in the next 30 day challenge I will be blogging about how much I love that posture!) Now I could get disheartened that the class had a glitch in the middle, but you know what, I am not going to! I am going to concentrate on just how wonderful the standing series felt and hope that I can plug back into that feeling again some time soon and have it last for longer!

So today is about Spine Twisting Pose. I like this one... mainly as it is the last one of the series and I know that I will be released from the pit soon! Occasionally I get a bit of pain in my elbows in this if I have over-strained in Camel, but on the whole I like the way this makes me feel and feeling each vertebra twisting. I have been told I need to concentrate on keeping my shoulders level, which apparently is down to where my knees are - don't you just love how Yoga is so interconnected and where your knees are affects your shoulder alignment! The other thing I need to make sure I do is to stretch up and lengthen my spine... if I slouch I can't twist right around to get my face in profile in the mirror.

OK some science...
  • This increases circulation and nutrition to the spinal nerves, veins and tissues
  • This improves spinal flexibility [no surprises there!!!]
  • Increases flexibility in the hips
  • Helps cure lumbago and spinal rheumatism
  • Improves digestion and removes flatulence
  • Firms the abs, thighs and bum!
OK Savasana time

Only two more to go...
(I am starting to worry I'm going to miss this!!!)

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