Class Twenty-Two of Thirty
(5.30pm, 23rd June, taught by Rachel)
WIPE OUT! The sweat-pit beat me today. I had decided that I was going to take it easy today so was towards the back of the room which gave me the great view of the whole class in Pranayama Breathing which looks great. I started OK, was actually enjoying it... remembered something Libby said in a class recently when it came to back bending... she suggested that we imagined we were leaning back over a big ball - you know it works, it prevents collapsing into your lower spine. Eagle went well, the standing series was fairly strong - standing head to knee is making progress, then we got to Triangle and it all went south! Now I suppose I should 'fess up at this point I had made a slight error of judgement... As I was leaving the house to go to yoga I picked up a can of supermarket home-brand energy drink... there was logic (honest) I figured that as I had had a positive response to using the C-Vit things they sell at the studio it wasn't a that daft to have an energy drink - or was it? Top tip - DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!! (Or in the studio!) It lead to odd rushy sweats, and a racing heart. Now I know that these are also 'side-effects' of Bikram Yoga but believe me these were noticeably different (and not in a good way!). So I am not too surprised at a bit of a 'mare of a session. One thing lead to another and I think I kind of talked myself out of doing postures and started to get overwhelmed by the room, which led to an inability to settle my breathing down again, resulting to a trip to the door for some fresh air. I managed to regain some control and was able to get back into it from fixed firm pose - well it is today's posture. Yet again more learning as part of this 30 day roller-coaster ride! Next time I think something is a good idea I will park that thought and revisit it a bit later!
So as I have just said today is Fixed Firm Pose (or super pose... there is something about how the sanskrit name of this posture can sound to me - 'Super-Dooper-Drasana' that never ceases to put a smile on my face (clearly I am easily pleased!)). I really like this posture as it feels like 'proper yoga' and is a chance to refocus on my breathing after the spine-strengthening series. I am currently working on getting my shoulders further back to be able to get an even bigger bridge into my spine. There have been times I have been told off for closing my eyes - this is not a chance to catch a few Zzzzs! There are also times I need the first set to be able to get my bum down between my feet before going back in the second set. But all in all this posture gets my vote every time!
- Good for gout, sciatica and rheumatism in the legs
- Slims the thighs & firms the calves
- Strengthens and improves flexibility in the lower spine, knees and ankles
OK, you know the drill... Savasana...
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