Class Twenty of Thirty
(5.30pm, 21st June, taught by Libby)
Woop-woop! Another good class... and only another ten to go! It was busy tonight and the energy was so up it seemed to go really quickly. Was only foxed in the first set of Fixed Firm Pose - just didn't get my legs into the right position so I wasn't able to get back, however fixed that in the second set. Poor Rachel was explaining she has 8 classes to teach, 9 to practice and the Posture Clinic to do this week - rather her than me, but just think how good that will be for her! Managed to get my leg up and locked for a whole 5 seconds tonight in Standing Head to Knee... small steps but at least it is progress! I am definitely seeing benefits to this 30 day lark. I was having a bit of a mooch around the net and found a series of blogs for Bikram 101 i.e. a 101 day challenge...not sure if I could cope with that! I would only now be a fifth of the way through rather than two thirds!!! Maybe one day, it might be an interesting experience. What was nice was some of the shared experiences/feelings. New posture of the week - Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose... as I have said before I am not a fan of this, head down time I think!
So today is about Full Locust - this is a real trip of a posture. Just think about it, lie on your stomach, arms out to the side of you like plane wings and legs back behind you with heels touching. Then 'simply' raise your arms and legs up until you are resting on your hips - sounds simple doesn't it? It isn't! This is one posture where I am taking it slowly and think I am making progress but it is at a snails pace. Still if I am moving forwards, no matter how slowly, it has to be a good thing. I know that it is meant to be all about your own practice but it can sometimes be depressing seeing how well other people can get into this posture... having said that it can also be hugely inspirational so I will try to see a half full glass on this one. The other thing about this is I just don't get why it is called Locust...I doesn't look like a locust at all!
Bit of science anyone?
- Ok so this is as therapeutic as Cobra with the same upper body benefits as Standing Bow Pulling
- It also firms abs, upper arms, hips and thighs - that's gotta be worth it
It has been pointed out to be that an additional benefit of Salabhasana (yesterday's posture) is good for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome... (Thanks for that Sharan!)
Right it will be Savasana time soon... and the countdown starts tomorrow...bring it on!!!!
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