Class Eight of Thirty
(6.00pm, 8th June, taught by Rachel)
NOW THAT'S WHAT I CALL YOGA!!!!! The class ended over 3 hours ago and I am still on a high from it! I have not had a class like that in ages... it was AWESOME! (Even seriously considered doing a second class!!) Thanks going out to Rachel and all my fellow Bikram-bunnies for keeping the energy up and making it a great class.
It was rammed in there tonight, another '4-row' class i.e. the front row was up against the front mirrors. I have to say that being that close to the mirror was quite a trip! It meant that I was able to look deep into my eyes and almost psych myself out... When it got to Camel I was able to look myself in the eye and challenge myself not to wimp out, and do you now what, I think I managed to pull off the best couple of Camel sets I have done in a long time, if not ever!!!! (Even thinking about it is bringing back the high!)
Today's posture is Standing Head to Knee. Now this is a posture I struggle with. The key is the locked out standing leg. Now in theory that should be easy enough but believe me it aint. I have yet to pull off anything that even resembles what this posture should look like. It is said that this posture helps teach patience and I have to say that never a truer word was said! I think I have yet to be able to hold a single set in the first part of the posture ('just' on one leg, knee locked out, holding the other foot from underneath with all fingers & thumbs in the grip) for the whole length of each expression. What I have noticed, however, over the past 6 weeks or so is that I am less 'wound up' by this posture. In other words I am letting the fact that I don't seem able to stay balanced on one leg for two minutes wash over me!!! Having said that it would be nice every so often to be able to kick my leg out and hold the posture for more that 5 seconds before falling over! Still I am sure that all good things come to those who wait - and as this posture is said to help develop determination that would seem to be the case.
In terms of the science:
Apart form the obvious patience this posture helps to build it helps tighten abdominal and thigh muscles, helps increase flexibility in the sciatic nerves as well as strengthening leg muscles. According to the dialogue it also helps strengthen the ligaments around the knee.
Now I have something of a quandary... Posture of the week is Balancing Stick - do I volunteer to demonstrate on Thursday as that will be my Tuladandasana post so would seem somewhat timely, having said that not one of my favourite postures... not sure, watch this space! Well I am off to ponder this and how I am going to stop my mat from smelling(!) as a practice my Savasana
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