Class Seventeen of Thirty
(5.30pm, 18th June, taught by Sharan)
A better class tonight. Not great, we are no where near that, but it was manageable even though it was VERY hot in there (and I wasn't the only one to notice it!). Having had a run of progressively worse classes I was a little nervous about tonight, but in the end I got through it. I arrived early and got into a nice relaxed Savasana... maybe it was a little too relaxed as when I lay down and closed my eyes there were three people in the room, when I next open my eyes there were over thirty! I may have nodded off, but it was nice! I also decided that I was going to give myself an easier time of it and it seemed to pay dividends.
I had to sit out one set of Triangle and Camel was just too much for me but I am pleased that I have hopefully turned a corner. I did however, find myself volunteering for posture of the week (Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada-Janushirasana - Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose)... not sure quit how it happened. Sharan was looking for volunteers and before I knew what I was doing my hand was in the air and I was walking to the front. Tell you what though, don't think I have ever managed to pull off quite such a good posture before. I was told to take a slightly wider step than I am used to and it did help me get my forehead to the knee without bending my leg up. Having sorted the head to knee bit I was able to work on getting the alignment of my hips right. Unfortunately it did wipe me out for a bit!!!
So today is about Wind Removing Pose (snigger!). This is an interesting one, as so many postures it looks easy but it has interesting possibilities. I have been able to get suitably relaxed to really pull my leg/knee down to get a deep stretch and the pinching in my hip that the dialogue describes. I do find that my arms slip in the final part of the posture (both legs up, arms over knees holding elbows)... It seems to be a constant battle between maintaining the grip and getting my tailbone down onto the mat. This is also another one of those postures that benefits parts of my body I didn't know I had, or know what they do. Each of the parts works a different part of the Colon - now I know about that, but I was unaware that it came in ascending, descending and transverse flavours! (Not only is this yoga business good for the body, it also expands the mind!) One of the things I like about this posture is that it gives you the chance to re-focus and catch your breath before the madness of the floor series.
OK so a little light science?
Well there are no surprises that it helps cure and prevent flatulence! It also helps improve hip flexibility and firms the abdomen, hips and thighs.
You guessed it... it's Savasana time!
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