Saturday, 12 June 2010


Class Twelve of Thirty
(10am, 12th June, taught by Sharan)

Only an average class today. I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but it just didn't quite get me like some of the classes earlier this week but then I guess that is just the luck of the draw. I was fairly tired, though I had slept well, and I made sure I ate properly before class. I am not going to let it worry me but it is a shame it wasn't any better. I managed to get almost all of the postures down - even though it was today's blog-posture, Triangle, that beat me! It was quite weird actually... I was in the middle of the first set and thought to myself that I was feeling a little tired and that despite the fact I may like the idea of sitting out round two I was going to work through it. We then got to the end of the first set and all of a sudden my body literally took over and I was on the floor! I have heard about mind over matter, but this was matter over mind!

Of all the postures in the whole of the Beginning Series, this is the one that I don't seem to have made any progress on. I dread it as I know it is coming up (I know, thou shalt not anticipate postures!). I don't seem to be able to get my thigh parallel with the floor, it hurts like hell to hold it and I find it almost impossible to remember to breathe! Grim, grim, grim!!!

So today is all about Triangle... as you may have picked up I HATE THIS POSTURE! It is just so damned difficult. I just don't seem to be able to stop my feet from slipping. I have been told time and time again it is a question of inner thigh strength... I don't think I have any!!! The other thing is the sweat on my feet, again it makes standing steady a nightmare. I would say this was all excuses but at home, out of the sweat-pit, I can do this!!!

Want some science? Here you go:

  • The only posture in the world to improve every muscle, joint, tendon, and internal organs
  • Firm hips, thighs, waistline!
  • Most important posture to increase hip strength.
It may feel like hell but clearly it is worth it!!

You guessed it, it's Savasana time.


  1. David, I just want to tell you how inspiring this is. I have been practising for 6 months now and wonder if I am actually doing anything right or if I have improved at all - I signed up for the 30 day challenge with the hope that i could practice once a day and see some major improvements - I too felt horrific for the first few days, I really do think it was the anticipation of doing the challenge! Days 1-11 I got my class in, then came my other half's 40th yesterday, a surprise party, 50 people coming to the house and all the food and drink to organise. I realised at 6am yesterday that I didn't have time to squeeze in class before everyone arrived or that with a house full of guests I would make a class today. I now have the feeling I have failed my quest! I will catch up the 2 classes I have missed but somehow it feels that if I don't do it everyday for 30days then I haven't done it properly! Maybe I'm being hard on myself and I should get on with it and just make sure I get the 30classes in! I will take on board all your comments about preparation and try to drink more water and prepare myself for class. I will hold camel for the duration if it kills me, i will learn to breath properly and I will lock out my knee and not fall over the minute cramp kicks in! And hopefully after reading your blog everyday I too will achieve the 30 day challenge, feel fantastic and see some real improvements to my practice! Good luck!

  2. Melanie,

    How has it gone? I have one day left...been a real rollercoaster but I think overall I have enjoyed it, though I am looking forward to the break!

